

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Around the Farm

Busy and whimsical, these not-so wintry days have been full of projects as usual.  Saving seeds from the autumn harvest, shelling limas and screening quinoa.  Spreading mulch before the rains come.  Like most gardeners and farmers, we are planning out what crops to grow, where to plant what.  Thinking about how to refine things to be more efficient while applying knowledge from lessons learned last growing season. 

The bunnies are at the cutest stage with their round bellies and naughty curiosity.  We have been finding them irresistible.  I often discover our boys walking around with their favorite bunny in a sleeve or riding on a shoulder. 

This black one is named Cashew.  They crack me up with their expressions.  

Not to mention the attempts to escape.  

Seed flats are all planted with kale, spinach, lettuce, chard, collards, peas, beets, turnips, and onions.  Sprouting quietly in the greenhouse. 

The favas are up and maturing.  We still need to plant many more, as well as some other cover crops, crimson clover and purple vetch.

Working on a larger chicken coop made from salvaged pallets.  It's still in the beginning stages but coming along nicely.  We will insulate with straw after the walls and roof are finished. 

More sheet mulched beds were made in the backyard.  The heirloom collards are growing nicely considering they are in part shade. 

We are continuing the swale onto the western part of our property.  This time last year the grass was up to our thighs.  As you can see, since we have had no rain there is no grass.  The hillside is so dry we are extending the swale to replenish the soil. 

Our grey water flows down a hose into the swale and absorbs deep into the hillside. 

Compost piles are being built in different locations around the farm for easy access to materials while gardening.  This hot pile was compiled in layers from the soiled bedding in the goat stalls, grass clippings and other green waste, aged horse manure, and some animal material in the middle (feathers, bones, etc.), then watered and turned every few days. 

There are many chores that need to be done before the rain arrives as we eagerly await planting time. 

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