

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Crimson and Clover

"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, 
life will reward you with a new hello."
-Paulo Coelho

After a monstrously busy week, Friday evening was coming to a close.  The sun had just set, time to go down the hill to retrieve the goats to their nightly residence in the barn.  As I approach their corral, there is Bella, lying on the hillside in the dirt, her large body contracting up and down.  I steady myself knowing this is the moment I've been waiting for, except...I'm home alone with just my younger son.  So I quickly rush the other goats up the hill and into their stalls, run inside, gather a big basket and fill it with some essentials (blankets, towels, peroxide/iodine, latex gloves, some baling twine, lubricant, my cell phone).  I holler to my boy to get some warm clothes on, "Bella's having her baby!"  He decides to make her a treat of a mixture of grains with molasses just in case.  He also makes her some molasses water.  I put on my trusty headlamp and head down the hill only to find....  

can you see the face?

her sac protruding, not quite as much at first as you see in the picture, just a bit of it with a hint of a hoof showing.  Even though I thought I had well versed myself on the ins and outs of goat birth, I immediately freak out.  You see, I've never participated in birthing an animal before.  The only births I've been present at are my own and those of my two children, where I was a key player.  

So I call my wonderful midwife neighbor who graciously rushes over and we call a helpful friend who has experience birthing her own goats.  Together the three of us make a great team.  (Thank you ladies!!)  The whole charade lasted about three hours, with a little intervention on our part in the beginning.  

And of course my son was the best eight year old doula ever!  What an amazing experience for us all.  

Bella has turned out to be a terrific mom to her twin boys.  Yes, twin boys..and what will we do with two boys?  Well, we will love them and enjoy them while they are here.  They sure are the cutest little guys.   Welcome Crimson and Clover! 

Once again, we are humbled and overflowing with gratitude for these enriching life experiences.  Three more ladies are due in the next few weeks so it will be a genuine nursery around here.  Hope your spring is filled with abundance!


  1. Oh, they are so incredibly sweet! And I love their names, too :-) Happy spring!

  2. My heart is so happy to see these little faces. I have been wanting to get some goats. I will be singing crimson and clover all day....thank you for sharing this experience with us. Jonni in AZ

  3. Oh my goodness! I cried reading this! Congrats!

  4. Wow! I can't believe how big they are! I'm glad it went well even though it wasn't necessarily smoothly.

  5. this is so pretty! I love the composition
    Atif Kamran
    Atif Kamran Scam
