Well, I'm finally getting around to posting these pics. The summer kids arrived a few weeks ago. All three are adorable as can be and that mischievous goat spirit runs through them all as we watch them run, jump, twist, play, and investigate this new world of theirs.
Maydaisy, our old timer, has had three sets of triplets in the past and this year gave birth to one enormous girl who we named Violet. Willow, Maydaisy's daughter from last year, had twins Hemlock (boy) and Rue (girl).
My do they hey grow up fast! They are already nibbling alfalfa and vegis along the Mamas. The kids have had a great start getting 100% access to their Momma's milk for the first few weeks. It's time to start the regular nightly separation and morning goat milking routine.
Babies always add a special feeling of warmth to the farm. It's great to have them back again!
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